Allright, where did I leave off? Dessert party. My sister and I got there an hour late, with me dragging my stupid suitcase behind me (I was gonna change; never did). The Vulcon people said not to worry about buying my sister a ticket and she got in for free. Luckily we got to see Tim play the last 4 songs. It was sooo much fun. We got in line last for the CD signing (his were cheap, only $10). We talked for a bit about airport troubles (he had some airport issues as well), about meeting him in High Point (he remembered High Point b/c it was one of his very first conventions), and about this and that. We had our picture taken (ummmm, yeah I'm wearing what I was the day before in the airport- sue me.)
My sister and I talked about Voyager episodes the whole hour drive back to her house in Dayton, and we watched Equinox I & II when we got home (she'd never seen exciting to watch it with an Equinox Newbie!!)
The next morning I woke up early and worked on the scrapbook and my Niece's gift (a scrapbook page with Lauren's picture doing the "Janeway Armfold", Janeway doing the "Janeway Armfold" and an article of Lauren when she was 2 and won a Star Trek Convention costume contest dressed as a mini-borg. John De Lancie said he loved her costume!!).
We didn't leave until 10, so we almost missed our photo-op w/ kate (Perish the thought!!!) We arrived just in time; we were last. I almost cried when I saw her. I blinked my eyes
really hard and bit my lip so I wouldn't........she was amazing!!!
My sister and I had lunch.......I could barely eat I was so nervous about meeting Kate! We walked in late into Tim Russ's talk (darn it), but we caught the tail end of it and he was hilarious (and so was his movie "Plugged". If you've ever watched the movie Wayne's World and saw the scene where Wayne refuses to "bow down to sponsors" and then proceeds to plug bayer, pepsi and pizza hut, then you'll get an idea of what "Plugged" is like.)
After his talk I went into the dealer's room and recognized Sarah and Mel. I was nervous to talk to them (I'm such a geek) but I got the courage and introduced myself. Sarah was totally nice, Richie was adorable, and then I got to know Tina, Les, and Mel after Kate's talk.
Kate's talk was INCREDIBLE (of course), but I was running up and down the aisle so much taking pictures and videos, that much of it was a blur. Thank God for other's videos and Youtube. I did manage to get Tim hiding in the audience right behind us to trick Kate. He pretended to be a regular audience member asking a question, " Why didn't Captain Janeway and Tuvok ever hook up??" , or something like that. I was totally LMAO, as was everyone else in the audience: loved it when she said, "don't you come near me, you beast!!"
They reminsced on stage, and the entire audience was in heaven: can't believe they had a dinner w/out "the ladies"!!!!
I never got the nerve to ask my question, but I did capture Sarah and Tina getting the nerve (nerves of steal, btw) to recite their poem to Kate...........IT WAS AMAZING; AND THEY MADE HER DAY!! her talk, I ran to the VC group and shared the vid on my tiny camera's screen. Then we scrambled to watch it on the Jax's video camera:
Sarah was laughing in pure Joy, I think we all were!
Then it was time to get Kate's autograph, and I was REALLY NERVOUS!! I really wanted to have Kate sign "to Lauren", but we weren't supposed to do that b/c her time was
very limited. I still had to give her the scrapbook and I was worried that she'd hate it? roll her eyes at it? I have no idea, I wasnt' thinking clearly. On top of that I was annoyed at the guy that showed up in his seat at the last minute to get Kate's autograph, yet he said he didn't like her as a Captain
("see I hate people who don't respect voyager and kate" post).
I asked her, even though I knew she wasn't supposed to, if she could please personalize Lauren's page and proceeded to babble something about JW being her favorite Captain, she interupted me and said, what is her name? And then she signed a nice little message to Lauren and laughed saying, she's too young to remember Janeway!! Then I handed her the scrapbook, babbled something about that, too, and then she started to look at it saying "that's so cute". She had a huge grin on her face, which made
my day!!
Kate personalizing Lauren's gift.........I don't know why I was so worried; she was totally gracious about it!!
Handing Kate the scrapbook:
Kate's reading it; and smiling!!!
Afterwards I was on cloud nine and glancing back and forth between the stuff I had just gotten signed and Kate, still there, still signing to everyone's hearts content.
My treasures:
Then I watched the VC girls wait their turn, and I envied them b/c they had not yet had their turn and I so wanted to relive that moment!!!
My sister and I left soon after, and I called everyone I could think of from my cell phone, exclaiming that
this was in fact the best day of my life!!!
Trying to shake the nerves waiting for Kate, with humor and a Klingon:
I wanted to steal this cartoon poster of the Voyager crew:
The Auburn Godess, right in front of our very eyes!!!